
The Heart of the Veteran

Whereas, volunteering is a verb first recognized in 1755. It was derived from the noun, volunteer, in 1600, “one who offers himself for military service,” from the Middle French voluntaire;
And whereas, acknowledgement of our volunteering veterans’ sacrifices and commitment deserve the utmost respect and admiration from every citizen of this great state. By adding another step in recognition we can hope to mitigate our veterans from volunteering to join the ludicrous statistic of #22aday;
And whereas, the following roadways and intersections be a physical symbol honoring the heart of veterans: From N. Druid Hills Rd. and Clairmont Rd. to Clairmont Rd and Hwy 78/29 to Hwy 78/29 and N. Druid Hills Rd. One can notice that the constructed layout of the roadways and intersections creates the iconic shape of a human heart. And also, as Hwy 78 continues westward, it becomes an artery to Veterans Memorial Hwy after crossing I-285;
And whereas, on July 22, 1864, these roadways were used by our military troops during the American Civil War in the Battle of Atlanta Campaign. “In 2010, the American Battlefield Protection Program revised the Battle of Atlanta study area to include the confederate flanking movement and attack at Decatur, and the main core area was expanded to include the federal artillery positions;”
And whereas, this great state was built on the final heartbeat of veterans, is being built on the present heartbeats of veterans, and will continue to be built on the heartbeats of future veterans; now
Therefore, I _________________ (Name of Governor) of ______ (State) do hereby proclaim the layout of these roadways and intersections be declared “The Heart of the Veteran” on July 22nd in the state of ____ (State). Let the ink flow from the wielding power of the pen onto this document to show gratitude to our veterans that volunteered their blood to flow from their hearts into the soil that we build on. Thank you for your service and thank you for our freedom.

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